Fetal DNA Test (NIPT)
Information about the chromosome structure of the baby can be obtained from the mother's blood. It is more appropriate to ask after the 10th week of pregnancy.
What is Fetal DNA Test?
A blood sample is taken from the mother, the baby's DNA is separated, and the genetic analyzes included in the standard examination package are performed. The results provide information about pathological conditions such as trisomy 18 and trisomy 13, especially Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and some rare genetic diseases.
If necessary and desired, the baby's blood group can also be determined with this test.
How Is Fetal DNA Test Done?
The test is highly sensitive but has not yet been classified as a screening test. In other words, this test has not been accepted as a definitive diagnostic test.
It does not show the entire genetic makeup of the baby, mutations or chromosome breaks. In our hospital, fetal DNA examination test is applied from mother's blood when necessary.
Premature Birth Risk Screening
About 15% of all pregnancies end in preterm delivery. Unfortunately, the most common cause of neonatal death worldwide is still premature birth.
Premature Birth Risks
Caring for premature babies is a very special issue. Therefore, it is important to prevent preterm labor if possible. However, most of the time the patient is late and premature birth occurs without treatment.
Today, different methods are used to estimate the probability of preterm birth. Cervical-cervical canal evaluation is used in these methods.Screening Procedures During Pregnancy how to do?
With this evaluation;
- cervix length
- cervical thickness
- uterus structure
- The structure of the cervical canal
- The structure of the lower segment of the uterus
- Infection status in the cervix and vagina is evaluated and the possible risk of preterm birth is calculated by combining the patient data.
Additional treatments are planned by increasing the follow-up of patients at risk of preterm birth.
Developmental Delay Risk Screening
There are many factors that affect the development of the baby in the womb. Some of these factors are predictable.
However, some of them are unpredictable, these can be classified as reasons related to the baby, reasons related to the spouse of the baby and reasons related to the mother.
Possible growth retardation of the baby can be partially predicted. With these screening tests, pregnancies with a risk of growth retardation are determined and a closer follow-up of the pregnancy is provided.
Another important point is to determine the factors that stop the development of the baby and to determine the precautions that can be taken in a pregnancy diagnosed with developmental delay.
Perinatology and high-risk pregnancies are screened for growth retardation risk.
What is Diabetes Screening Test During Pregnancy?
Gestational diabetes (GDM), which is detected or started during pregnancy and is considered the initial stage of diabetes, is a group of tests recommended to be screened.
When Is Diabetes Control During Pregnancy?
24-28 in the normal patient. Routine screening is recommended during pregnancy weeks. However, in the presence of risky patients, a sugar screening test can be performed in the first trimester of pregnancy.
How to Care for Diabetes During Pregnancy?
One hour after the patient drinks the liquid containing 50 grams of sugar, he is evaluated according to his blood glucose values.
You don't need to be hungry to take the test. Also, tests done after fasting for a long time can reveal that your blood sugar is extremely low or high.
Alternatively, a 75-gram sugar test, which is a one-step screening, can be done.