What is kidney transplantation?

Kidney transplantation is a surgical method used in the treatment of kidney failure. Every organ has vital importance for the human body. Because organs work in cooperation and ensure the continuation of life. Each organ has a different task in this cooperation. The kidneys filter waste materials from the blood and excrete them in the urine. It also helps to maintain the body's fluid and electrolyte balance. When these wastes cannot be eliminated from the body, they accumulate in the body and cause some diseases. People whose kidneys become inoperable need a treatment called dialysis. The purpose of dialysis is to remove accumulated impurities from the blood. This process mechanically filters waste that builds up in the bloodstream when the kidneys stop working. However, the patient has to spend a lot of time on dialysis and it is a tiring method for patients. The most effective treatment for permanent recovery is kidney transplantation.

How is Kidney Transplant Performed?

The answer to this question depends on the condition of the transmitter. If the person whose healthy kidney is to be removed dies, kidney transplantation should be planned immediately. Because the removal of kidneys from deceased patients is usually the result of a fatal accident. This means that there is a short period of time for the organ not to lose its health. If the tissue is compatible, the patient to be transplanted should be prepared for surgery as soon as possible. Only in this way will the transfer be possible. If the donor is a healthy individual, the operation can be planned together with the patient and the donor. First of all, some antibody tests are done for tissue and organ compatibility. If the result is compatible, there will be no obstacle to kidney transplantation. To perform the surgery, the patient is given general anesthesia. After anesthesia, a healthy kidney is inserted into the recipient's body through an incision in the abdomen. All arteries and veins are then connected to the body. After the successful implantation of the organ in the body, blood flow from the kidney begins. Then, the ureter of the healthy kidney is connected to the bladder and the patient becomes able to urinate in a healthy way. The other kidney, which is unhealthy, is left in the body if it does not cause blood pressure or infection in the body. A kidney transplant is a very important operation. Therefore, there are some risks. The patient may have an allergic reaction to general anesthesia. Bleeding during surgery is also among the risky situations that can be experienced. In addition, the formation of a blood clot in the organ connected to the body, leakage from the ureter, or obstruction of the ureter are among the possible risks. Some infections can also occur after surgery. Failure of the transplant due to rejection of the transplanted kidney by the immune system is also among the risks. The patient should accept the transplant operation by considering all these risks.

What Are the Risks of Kidney Transplantation for the Donor?

Since kidney transplantation is an important operation, it carries some risks for both the recipient and the donor. A person who voluntarily becomes a kidney donor is very valuable to both the patient and the doctors. Because of the volunteer, the patient regains his health. Many medical tests are done on the donor, and all the data is analyzed in detail. It is then approved by a council of doctors. In other words, it is not possible for a physician to make the decision to become a donor alone. As with any surgery, it is not possible to give a 100% health guarantee for both the donor and the recipient after a kidney transplant. Because research has proven that the risk of death in kidney transplant surgeries is 1 in 3000. Alongside the risk of urinary tract infection is the risk of wound infection. However, these risks are at the same rate as other surgeries. The donor's body will be sore for a few days after the surgery. Depending on the donor's condition, the donor is discharged from the hospital within 5 days. A small percentage of patients may have pain at the surgery site after 1 year. Two months after the operation, the person returns to his normal activities. He can lift heavy or do sports. The donor can lead a healthy life by having regular check-ups after the transplant surgery.

Organ donation saves lives…