The most important factor in autism treatment is early diagnosis and early treatment. The aim of autism treatment is to improve the social skills and abilities of the individual with autism. Behavioral education and special therapies are applied accordingly. It is of great importance that the treatment applied to the individual is also suitable for his/her family. Speech therapy, therapies to increase motor skills, therapies to gain social interaction skills are among the treatments applied.
Medications can be used in conditions that accompany autism such as depression, attention deficit-hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive disorder.
In the treatment of autism, the education of the parents of the individual with autism is also very important. parental education is also extremely important. It will be useful for families living with the individual with autism to receive support on the subject.
Behavioral and Communication Therapies: Behavioral therapies offer strategies used to change undesirable behaviors and teach useful skills to individuals with autism. For example, Applied Behavior Analysis therapy aims to reduce negative behaviors while encouraging positive ones. Communication therapies focus on improving language and communication skills.
School and Education Support: It is important to provide appropriate educational environments for children and young people with autism. Special education programs, individual learning plans and supportive teaching methods can help provide an education that is appropriate to the needs of students with autism.
Medication: In some cases, medication may be recommended to manage symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorder. For example, medication may be used for comorbid conditions such as hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive behaviors or epilepsy. Medication may differ for each individual and should be prescribed by a specialist. Autism spectrum disorder manifests differently in each individual and each treatment plan should be individualized.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Individuals with autism spectrum disorder often have comorbid conditions, such as anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder. CBT is an effective approach to managing these comorbid conditions. It offers strategies that teach the individual to recognize thought patterns, promote positive behaviors and reduce anxiety.
Social Skills Training: Individuals with autism spectrum disorders often have difficulty with social interaction skills. Social skills training focuses on improving social skills such as social interaction, eye contact, gestures and expressions. It aims to teach the individual how to understand social cues, make friends and learn effective communication skills.
Sensory Integration Therapy: Sensory sensitivity is common in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Sensory integration therapy aims to improve the individual's ability to process, organize and adapt to sensory stimuli. This therapy supports the individual's sensory regulation through exposure to sensory stimuli, using specific exercises and strategies.
Early Intervention: Early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder and early intervention are very important. Special education programs and therapies started at an early age can help the child develop communication, social and behavioral skills.