The word rheumatism is of ancient Greek origin and means the accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the joints. Rheumatic diseases are generally chronic diseases. In other words, when a person is diagnosed with a rheumatic disease, that person must learn to live with the disease in some sense. Rheumatism requires constant and regular doctor follow-up and drug use.


Rheumatism Symptoms

Generally, in rheumatic diseases, muscle, back, and low back pain, pain and swelling in the joints, digestive system complaints, and negativities in the heart and vascular system are seen. In addition to these, the main symptoms of rheumatic diseases are listed as follows:

  • Neurological complaints
  • Decreased kidney function
  • Shortness of breath
  • Limitation of movement
  • Stiffness in the joints in the morning
  • Sensitivity of the skin to the sun
  • Formation of glands under the skin
  • Stiffness in different parts of the body
  • Weakness
  • Inflammation of the eyes
  • Deterioration or loss of vision
  • Prolonged high fever


Rheumatism treatment

Significant successes have been achieved in the treatment of rheumatism with the use of new drugs in recent years. However, it is not possible to completely eliminate most rheumatic diseases. The treatment of rheumatism requires continuous physician-patient cooperation. It should be known that the disease may flare up from time to time. It should not be forgotten that the treatment of rheumatism may continue for a lifetime in some cases. The aim of the treatment of rheumatism is to eliminate the complaints, prevent possible organ involvement, and ensure that the patient maintains the highest level of comfort in life. In the treatment of rheumatic diseases, especially rheumatology, physical therapy and rehabilitation specialists, orthopedic specialists, and other specialties should work as a team.

Rheumatism is a chronic disease like diabetes and hypertension. For this reason, rheumatism treatment may not last for a certain period of time, but for a lifetime. Depending on the severity of the disease, it may be necessary to use less or more medication from time to time during treatment. Although it is not possible to completely eliminate rheumatism, it can be controlled. Since rheumatism under control can suddenly flare up, continuous doctor follow-up is essential, even if there are no complaints.



Rheumatism is basically divided into two categories: inflammatory rheumatism and non-inflammatory rheumatism. Inflammatory rheumatism occurs as a result of damage caused by microbes, deterioration of the immune system, and substances such as uric acid. It is usually very painful. It can manifest itself in almost all organs. In particular, inflammatory rheumatism is not a disease specific to the elderly. It can be seen even in babies. Among the symptoms of inflammatory rheumatism;

  • Swelling in the hands and feet
  • Loss of feel
  • Loss of appetite
  • Swelling
  • Swelling under the skin
  • Sleep disorder is observed

Non-inflammatory rheumatism, on the other hand, can be seen with wear and thinning of the joints and causes bone spurs. It usually occurs as a result of an accident, such as a fall.

Rheumatic diseases are divided into four categories according to their types;

  1. Soft tissue rheumatism: This rheumatism is the most common type and the most important. Cellulite, shoulder joint disorders, and discomforts caused by friction at the elbow can be examples of this group. At the same time, osteoarthritis, spinal rheumatism, SLE, gout, and acute joint rheumatism also occur in this way.
  2. Joint rheumatism
  3. Internal organ rheumatism
  4. Types of them together


Is rheumatism genetic?

Genetic inheritance is very important in rheumatic diseases. Although the presence of people who have been diagnosed with rheumatic disease in the family increases susceptibility, genetic factors are not certain about the cause of the disease. However, having a family history of the disease makes the diagnosis easier.

What is good for rheumatic pain?

The types of pain found in rheumatic diseases cover a fairly wide range. This makes the treatment method special for the pain and other complaints caused by the disease. For example, while spa treatment increases the complaints of rheumatic patients with inflammation, calcification may also be beneficial. Before trying different methods, you should definitely consult your doctor.