Obstetrics and Women's Health Services in Turkey have undergone significant developments in recent years. The country has implemented various programs and initiatives to improve women's access to healthcare services, including the mother-friendly hospital program. However, Turkiye also has the highest cesarean section rates in the world, which have been increasing over the years. Despite these challenges, obstetric care in Turkiye is widely available, with a ranking of 127 Obstetrics and Gynecology doctors based on data from 127 partner hospitals.

Access to women's health services in Turkiye is provided through primary health-care centers, medical emergency stations, and tent hospitals. Prenatal care services are available at Family Health Centers, state and university hospitals, and private hospitals. Women have free access to induced abortion in public facilities since its legalization in 1983. However, despite these developments, some maternal health problems remain in Turkiye. Inequalities in geographical workload of obstetricians and gynecologists by gender may give rise to inequalities in access to healthcare.

Women's health services beyond obstetrics in Turkiye

Turkey has a long history of progressive policies and legislation aimed at improving maternal and child health, including family planning and reproductive health services. These services are essential in providing women with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and plan their families. Investing in family planning services has been shown to have significant health benefits, including reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. A study based on the Health Belief Model found that attitudes towards family planning in Turkiye were generally positive, highlighting the importance of these services in the country. By providing access to family planning and reproductive health services, women in Turkiye can take control of their reproductive health and make informed decisions about their future.

In addition to family planning services, Turkiye also provides breast and cervical cancer screening for women. These services are crucial in detecting and treating cancer early, which can significantly improve outcomes and survival rates. However, studies have shown that many women in Turkiye have insufficient knowledge about breast and cervical cancer. Educational programs and awareness campaigns can help to increase knowledge and encourage women to seek out these important screening services. A qualitative study found that women with physical disabilities may face additional barriers to accessing breast and cervical cancer screening services, highlighting the need for accessible and inclusive healthcare.

Turkey also offers menopause management services for women, including treatments for hormonal disorders. Surveys of health providers in Turkey have shown that there is a need for increased education and awareness about menopause and its symptoms, as well as more effective management strategies. Socio-cultural factors may also affect the onset and characteristics of menopause, highlighting the importance of culturally sensitive and inclusive healthcare. Specialized women's health services in Turkiye, can provide women with tailored care and treatments for conditions such as urinary incontinence and menopause. By providing comprehensive women's health services beyond obstetrics, Turkiye is taking an important step towards ensuring that women have access to the care and resources they need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Obstetric care in Turkiye is widely available, with numerous hospitals, clinics, and medical centers offering gynecology treatment and surgery. The mother-friendly hospital program enables women to access full antenatal care and childbirth services, using an approach that supports women. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of providing quality care to women. Politics, policies, and pronatalism have also played a role in the availability and accessibility of abortion and reproductive health services in Turkiye.

Maternal health services in Turkiye


In Turkiye, maternal health services begin with prenatal care and screening. The Republic of Turkiye Ministry of Health recommends monthly check-ups until the 7th month of pregnancy for low-risk pregnancies. These check-ups typically include blood tests, ultrasounds, and other screenings to monitor the health of both the mother and the developing fetus. Additionally, healthcare providers may offer counseling and education on topics such as nutrition, exercise, and childbirth preparation. Screening for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections is also available. Prenatal care and screening are essential for ensuring a healthy pregnancy and reducing the risk of complications during childbirth.

Childbirth and delivery services in Turkiye are available through a range of healthcare providers, including private hospitals, public hospitals, and birthing centers. These services may include natural, epidural, and cesarean delivery techniques. Some healthcare providers also offer innovative childbirth practices, such as water birth and gentle cesarean. The mother-friendly hospital program enables women to access full antenatal care and childbirth services using an approach that supports women. Reviews of childbirth in Turkiye are mostly positive. Anatolia region, Gynecology and Obstetrics Department is a leader in providing foreigners with giving birth in Turkey at affordable prices. Healthcare providers in Turkiye aim to provide women with a safe and comfortable childbirth experience while prioritizing the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby.

Postpartum care and support are also available in Turkiye, although utilization of these services remains low in many countries. In Turkiye, few studies have been conducted on traditional practices related to postpartum care. However, healthcare providers may offer services such as postpartum check-ups, breastfeeding support, and counseling on postpartum depression and other mental health concerns. It is essential for women to receive adequate postpartum care and support to ensure a healthy recovery and successful transition into motherhood. Healthcare personnel should provide training and consultation services to pregnant women starting from early pregnancy to promote the utilization of postpartum maternal health care services.