Sexuality is an important part of a healthy life. Sexuality, which we can consider as a basic human need, has also been a subject of great importance and emphasis throughout history because it brings spiritual relaxation. For example, in some African cultures, eating zebra heart and buffalo horn was considered an aphrodisiac, believed to increase sexual power. In China, a similar belief is held for rooster blood, and rooster blood is consumed in some places to provide an aphrodisiac effect. We can say that many methods have been tried throughout centuries and civilizations to increase sexual power. 

First of all, I would like to mention that sunlight, fresh air, balanced nutrition, plenty of oxygen, exercise, stress management, regular and healthy sleep have a much more effective aphrodisiac effect than any food or drink. A healthy lifestyle has the most important impact on sexuality. 

If you have everything in order in your life, here are the supplements that have an aphrodisiac effect and will not put your health at risk.

Foods that create aphrodisiac effect

  1. Almonds: Almonds are rich in nutrients such as zinc, selenium and vitamin E. These nutrients can boost the production of sex hormones and increase libido levels.
  2. Hazelnuts: Hazelnuts are a source of an amino acid called arginine. Arginine can increase blood flow by dilating blood vessels and support sexual performance.
  3. Vanilla: Vanilla is historically considered an aphrodisiac. Its scent and sweet flavor can increase sexual arousal and create a romantic atmosphere.
  4. Honey: Honey, with its natural sugar content, can raise energy levels and have positive effects on libido. In addition, some of its minerals and vitamins can support sexual health.
  5. Green Tea: Green tea contains an antioxidant called catechin. Catechin can increase blood circulation and support sexual performance.
  6. Green Leafy Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, chard are beneficial for sexual health with their folic acid, iron and other nutrients.
  7. Sesame: Sesame seeds are rich in minerals such as zinc, selenium and magnesium. These minerals can support hormone production and increase sex drive.
  8. Cocoa: Thanks to the phenylethylamine compound in cocoa, it can increase feelings of happiness and trigger sexual desire. It can also support sexual performance by increasing blood circulation.
  9. Avocado: Avocados are rich in healthy fats, B vitamins and potassium. These nutrients can boost sex drive and increase energy levels by supporting hormone production.
  10. Watermelon: Watermelon can dilate blood vessels and improve sexual performance thanks to a compound called citrulline.
  11. Spices: Some spices, such as ginger, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, can increase blood circulation and support sexual performance. Also, some spices have naturally stimulating properties.
  12. Celery: Celery is known for a pheromone called androsterone. Androsterone is believed to increase sex drive.
  13. Figs: Figs can be beneficial for sexual health with the amino acids it contains. It also has positive effects on general health with the minerals and fiber it contains.
  14. Strawberry: Strawberries provide faster stimulation of the sexual area thanks to the antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin C it contains. It also has a sweet and romantic flavor.
  15. Chocolate: Dark chocolate with a high cocoa content can increase the feeling of happiness and trigger sexual desire thanks to its phenylethylamine and serotonin.
  16. Pomegranate: Pomegranate is known for its antioxidants and properties that increase nitric oxide production. It can support sexual performance by increasing blood circulation.
  17. Fish and Fish Oil: Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats can increase blood circulation and support hormone production.
  18. Garlic: Garlic can increase blood circulation and support sexual performance with a compound called allicin.
  19. Oats and Oat Bran: Oats may lower cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation with a fiber called beta-glucan. Oat bran can regulate digestion and boost energy levels.
  20. Asparagus: Asparagus is beneficial for sexual health thanks to its vitamin E, folic acid and potassium. It can also improve blood circulation and support sexual performance.
  21. Seafood: Seafood can be beneficial for sexual health thanks to their omega-3 fatty acids and zinc. They are also rich in protein, which can boost energy levels.
  22. Chile Peppers: With a compound called capsaicin, chili peppers can increase blood circulation and stimulate the body.
  23. Ginseng: Ginseng is known as a natural energy booster.It can support sexual performance and increase sexual desire.
  24. Muscat: Muscat can increase sexual desire with a compound called myristicin found in it.However, excessive consumption should be avoided because it can be toxic.
  25. Cloves and Cinnamon: Cloves and cinnamon can increase sexual arousal and boost energy levels with the compounds they contain, which have stimulating properties.