Sexuality has been one of the most important aspects of the human species throughout the ages. Not only is it one of the needs encoded in the genetics of human beings, it is also the basis for gene transfer and reproduction. It is not a necessity, but it has been one of our basic needs since creation. 

It is also important to say that it is not right to make sexuality so superficial. Because sexuality has many known benefits. With each passing day, a new one is added to this information with new researches. For example, it even has a role in fighting the pandemic, which causes major problems all over the world. As a result of their research, scientists have argued that having sex three times a month can provide protection against coronavirus. 

What is the importance of the G-spot?

The G-spot is a structure that provides extra pleasure to the woman during sexual intercourse. It is located 4-7 cm inside the vagina in the front part. It can be considered as an area that needs special attention because it increases the pleasure women get from intercourse. 

The location, size and even the sensitivity of the G-spot varies from woman to woman. For this reason, it is recommended that the woman be on top as the preferred position during intercourse because in this position, the man can approach the g-spot the most and increase the pleasure the woman will receive. 

The G-spot is not indispensable, but it may need to be used to increase efficiency. I will give you a tip to activate your g-spot when necessary. The g-spot is located close to the bladder. And when the bladder is full, the g-spot becomes prominent and its sensation increases. You can increase the pleasure you will get by holding your pee a little before sexual intercourse.

What does the G-shot vaccine do?

The G-shot vaccine basically aims to enlarge the g-spot and make it easier to reach during sexual intercourse. A larger g-spot maximizes the efficiency of sex and facilitates orgasm. 

Over the years, there may be women who cool down from sexuality due to some health problems or psychological disorders. The sudden or gradual withdrawal of sexuality from our lives carries the risk of bringing some problems with it. Problems of sexual reluctance or inability to orgasm cause loss of self-confidence over time. 

In order to get rid of this situation, which can lead to anxiety disorders in the person, you should first consult a gynecologist and confirm whether you have a health problem. If you do not have a physiological disorder, you can receive trainings on sexuality and evaluate supportive treatments such as g-shot application.

Does the G-shot vaccine cause harm?

G-shot vaccine can be described as a filling procedure. Moreover, the raw material used in this filling is hyaluronic acid, a substance produced spontaneously in the human body. For this reason, it is not possible to harm you.

Although the filler is harmless, you should choose your doctor carefully in order to get the highest efficiency from the g-shot operation. Since the place where the injection application will be made remains inside and the location changes according to the person, it is of great importance that the filler can be applied to the right place. If you get support from professionals, you can experience the effect of the filling at the highest level. 

Who cannot have G-spot filling?

Although this application, which is preferred by those who attach importance to their sexual life, does not affect your health in a bad way, there are limitations for those who can have it done. For example, a person who is allergic to hyaluronic acid used as a filling material cannot have g-shot. So who else cannot have g-shot?

  • women during pregnancy
  • urinary tract infections
  • those suffering from vaginal infections
  • people taking blood thinners

Is the operation easy? How long does G-shot application take?

G-spot filling is applied with local anesthesia. The operation takes an average of 15 minutes. There is no feeling of pain due to anesthesia and you can return to daily life after the application. 

Suitable for women over 18 years of age with an active sex life.