What is a sperm test?
Semen, which is produced during ejaculation, is a viscous, viscous and almost white liquid produced by different glands. The motile cells in the semen, which have a head and tail and number in the millions, are called sperm. Sperm are reproductive cells. Once in the woman's uterus, the sperm moves with the help of its tail towards the mature egg in the fallopian tubes. Here it fuses with the egg and the first stage of reproduction takes place. The semen produced during each ejaculation contains fructose, coagulation substances, other lubricants and enzymes that support the sperm and help fertilization. During the sperm test, the quantity and quality of all these fluids are examined in detail.
If people want to have a child but cannot conceive, they should consult a doctor. The physician will take a detailed history and perform a physical examination. Even if it has been done in the past, the sperm test is repeated because it can cause infertility. In addition to all these, a sperm test can also be performed in the presence of certain diseases that have an effect on sperm production or after previous diseases.
How is a sperm test performed?
Before the sperm test, also known as semen analysis, the couple who want to have a child is interviewed in detail by a specialist physician. The physician asks whether the couple has had any previous illnesses, whether they have had any sexually transmitted diseases in the past, and whether they have any chronic diseases. The woman's menstrual cycle is questioned and checked to determine ovulation and the ideal reproductive date. Then, if deemed necessary, he/she asks for a sperm test. The man, who has practiced sexual abstinence for about 2 to 5 days, is taken to a room for the sperm test. After the semen is placed in the sterile container, the container is quickly sent to the laboratory for examination. The sperm sample that arrives at the laboratory is examined with special devices and techniques for semen analysis. If necessary, the physician may ask for the test to be repeated in the following weeks. It is important that the sperm sample required for the test is taken at the hospital in order for the test to give accurate results. However, semen analysis can also be performed for patients who have difficulty if they keep the semen sample at body temperature and bring it to the hospital within an hour.
Patients who cannot give a sperm sample by masturbation can also take a sample after intercourse with their partner by giving a condom that does not harm the sperm and is specially developed for this procedure. The sample should be delivered to the hospital within one hour and at a temperature close to body temperature. The spermiogram test result is reported one day later.