Although there ar many causes of incontinence, anal incontinence can develop mostly in the first 6 months after birth or after many years as a result of birth trauma. Apart from that, it can be seen in breech surgeries, diabetes, some neurological diseases, as well as spinal cord diseases or after spinal cord surgeries.
How is anal incontinence diagnosed?
The size and extent of the problem become clear with endoanal ultrasound, which allows visualization of anal muscles, anal pressure measurement, and an anal manometer, which provides control of anal nerves, nerve sensitivities, or anal EMG tests.
If constipation is observed in addition to incontinence, diagnostic tests such as defecography and colon transit time measurements are also performed. The purpose of these tests is to understand whether the cause of incontinence is in the muscle structure, the nerve, or both.
How is anal incontinence treated?
If there is a large cut or tear in the outer muscle layer due to surgery or birth trauma, this muscle needs to be surgically repaired. These are technically defined as specific surgeries.
According to the latest data, it is stated that muscle repair alone is not sufficient in the long term, and after a while, biofeedback (oral, visual, or EMG) treatment including muscle exercises should be started.
If you have this health problem, it is recommended that you consult a doctor immediately and start appropriate treatment after the necessary examinations.
Departments you can apply for:
Gastroenterology, gastroenterology surgery department, general surgery department, digestive system diseases, and surgery departments. These departments are located in many hospitals. However, since this health problem affects the quality of life quite negatively, it is useful to be meticulous in choosing a hospital.