ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can cause a child to act in different ways depending on the level of hyperactivity they have. For example, children with hyperactivity may have difficulty making friends compared to other children. Children with this disease are very different from other children in their concentration and reactions to events. He can directly answer the questions asked by his teachers without raising a finger. They can be forgetful because they are easily distracted. They are generally prone to daydreaming. They may lose things or have trouble finishing assignments. They may unconsciously talk a lot or interrupt people who are speaking. There may be children who exhibit this kind of behavior once in a while, but it should not be confused with children with hyperactivity. Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) continue this behavior pattern continuously. This situation causes various problems in both school and home life. Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) often have an anxious, irritable, angry, or sad mood. However, one of the most important points to remember is that ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can be treated. If you have hyperactivity, you may be anxious or depressed because of your condition and how people react to it. Common features of hyperactivity include: fixed motion aggressive behavior impulsive behavior Distractibility If you struggle to stay still or concentrate, you may develop other problems as a result. For example: causing difficulties at school or work; forcing relationships with friends and family Causes accidents and injuries Increasing the risk of alcohol and substance abuse Hyperactivity is often a symptom of an underlying mental or physical health condition. One of the main conditions associated with hyperactivity is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD causes you to be overactive, inattentive, and impulsive. It is usually diagnosed at a young age. However, some people may be first diagnosed in adulthood.


Hyperactivity can be treated. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for best results.
When someone says that a child is hyperactive, that could be a sign that the child may have ADHD. ADHD refers to a condition called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Children with ADHD have trouble concentrating and sitting still and can be impulsive, which means doing things without thinking about the consequences. This can cause problems such as injury. Some children with ADHD may have trouble at school. Some may find it difficult to make friends.

ADHD is something a child has at birth. It is not a contagious disease like the flu. If a child has a relative with ADHD, they are more likely to be born with ADHD.

What are the symptoms of hyperactivity (ADHD)?

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can cause children to behave in different ways. Most children with ADHD have problems concentrating and paying attention. Some may still find it difficult to sit in class and wait their turn. Other children may say the answers before they have a chance to raise their hands.
Sometimes they can be messy, distracting, or forgetful. They tend to daydream in class. They may lose things and have trouble finishing assignments. They can move in their seat, move a lot, talk a lot, or interrupt other people's conversations.

It's important to remember that everyone does these things once in a while. If you do these things sometimes, it doesn't mean you have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) often have these problems. This can cause them to have problems both at home and at school.

Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) may be anxious, irritable, angry, and sad. Children should know that ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a treatable medical problem.

If parents and teachers suspect a child has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), the first step is to go to the doctor. The doctor may then refer the child to a specialist such as a psychologist, psychiatrist or pedagogue. They are experts who recognize children with ADHD and other behavior problems. Part of the doctor's job is to check for other diseases that are similar to ADHD but require different types of treatment.

Today, children who have trouble concentrating, act impulsively, and have erratic hyperactivity are often diagnosed with hyperactivity. Much has been written about the causes of hyperactivity and attention deficit. Frequent use of drugs during the treatment process is another controversial aspect of the subject. However, the diagnosis and treatment of hyperactivity and attention deficit should be addressed and followed with a holistic approach, and drug therapy should be considered as a last resort.

Treatment Methods

Drug treatment solves the visible face of the problem and masks the underlying deficiency. The child and family, on the other hand, convince themselves that this problem is caused by a physical ailment, and their hopes for recovery may decrease. Thus, the child moves away from his own will and the possibility of self-control with the support of the family.

Caused by undischarged emotions

Studies show that only 5% of cases of hyperactivity are associated with a neurological disorder. The problem of hyperactivity is thought to result from the inability to discharge painful emotions. In our society, there is a misconception that babies who are not born crying are happy, and parents who silence the baby quickly become successful parents.

However, for a baby who cannot express himself verbally, crying and laughing are ways to get rid of emotions. Babies laugh when they feel good and safe; they cry in any negative emotion. However, since it is difficult for the parent to see the baby crying, he immediately picks him up, hugs him, shakes him, or breastfeeds. As a result, children who are unconsciously conditioned to act or suck (finger, breast, etc.) when they are about to experience a negative or painful emotion and helpless parents who do not know what to do emerge.

Cry like a baby!

Babies who cannot express their emotions encounter stimuli such as shaking and pacifiers without being aware of them. He doesn't know how to deal with it because he's never been alone with a negative emotion like pain before. In these children, hyperactivity (or thumb sucking or nail biting) becomes a way to keep emotions in check.

While swinging, jumping, and actively dealing with your baby are beneficial for his spiritual development, be careful not to use these stimuli to satisfy their crying needs. Because movement stimuli given at the wrong times cause him to suppress his need to cry.

Support him in expressing his emotions

Just because a child is hyperactive doesn't mean the parents are failing. However, parents encouraging children to express themselves independently of their emotions (such as laughing, crying, or getting angry) can reduce possible hyperactivity, attention deficit, finger sucking, or nail biting symptoms. Remember that expressing your emotions in the purest way possible is a healthy release mechanism that reduces tension.

Be patient and get professional support

It is not easy for children or parents to leave this habit acquired over the years and activate the natural healing mechanism. When parents say to their children, "You can cry now; say things that hurt you," it can be difficult for the child to accept it and open up immediately. For a child to cry, he needs to develop a sense of confidence that his parents will understand, support, and calm him. You have to be patient for this. In this process, getting support from experts will make your job easier.