In an ingrown nail, the corner or edge of the nail sinks into the soft flesh and is a very common problem. It is more common on the big toes of the feet. Ingrown toenails cause pain as well as complaints such as redness and swelling. Ingrown toenails can usually be treated at home. However, in some cases the pain is very severe and starts to spread around the nail. In such cases, support should be sought by applying to a health institution.
If the person has health problems that weaken blood flow to the feet, such as diabetes and arteriosclerosis, these people have a higher risk of complications due to ingrown toenails.
What is an Ingrown Nail?
It is a health problem that causes pain to the person as a result of the nail extending towards the nail bed. It is generally more common on the big toes of the feet, and the corner or edge of the toenail curls and buries into the skin around the nail. This is how ingrown toenail occurs. An ingrown toenail can be painful and if not treated in time, the risk of infection can increase.
If inflammation develops with an ingrown toenail, the pain may intensify and other symptoms such as increased temperature, swelling and discharge may be observed.
What Causes Ingrown Nail?
Ingrown toenails are caused by an imbalance between the size of the nail and the width of the nail bed. Incorrect cutting of the nails, hereditary nail problems and choosing shoes that are not suitable for the foot are among the effective factors behind this condition. Common causes include the following:
- An imbalance between the size of the nail and the width of the nail bed
Wearing tight shoes and socks that pinch the nails
Cutting nails too short
Ingrown toenails can be seen in toenails that are cut incorrectly curved. Toenails should be cut straight to avoid ingrown toenails.
Injury to the toenail
Having unusually curved toenails
Aggressive manicure and pedicure treatments not done properly
Some people's toenails naturally curve inwards. This is known as pincer nails and ingrown toenails are common.
Especially traumas that result in nail removal can cause ingrown toenails.
What are the symptoms of ingrown toenails?
The most common symptom of an ingrown nail is pain. The pain can be on one or both sides of the nail and increases with touching. Other symptoms of ingrown toenails may include
- Tenderness in the nail bed
Redness around the nail
Swelling around the nail
Increased temperature and discharge in the tissue around the nail
You should consult a doctor in the following cases:
- Severe pain and discomfort in the finger
pus or redness in the nail bed that tends to spread
The presence of diabetes, atherosclerosis or another health condition that causes poor blood flow to the feet