If you want to learn about anxiety, you can visit our anxiety guide that we have prepared for you in detail; From Panic to Peace: Overcoming Anxiety

How is an anxiety test done?

A detailed mental and physical examination of people who apply to a doctor with symptoms of anxiety disorder is performed. Conditions such as a medical illness or substance use that may cause anxiety symptoms in the patient are investigated. The doctor asks the patient questions about his thoughts, feelings, and behavior. The answers to these questions help to understand whether the person has an anxiety disorder. Doctors diagnose the patient's signs and symptoms by evaluating them according to internationally accepted criteria.

Psychotherapy and medication are generally used in the treatment of anxiety. Psychotherapy helps the patient change his attitude towards events. Medication also provides relief from symptoms related to anxiety disorders.

Anxiety disorders are disorders that seriously reduce a person's quality of life. Untreated anxiety disorder can cause problems in both the private and social lives of a person. In addition, it can negatively affect a person's academic life and career. For this reason, it is very important for people with anxiety disorders to consult a specialist and get the necessary help.


What should be done to avoid anxiety disorder?

With various lifestyle changes, positive developments can be experienced with anxiety disorders. Practices such as maintaining a sleep pattern, doing meditation and breathing exercises, eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising, limiting alcohol and coffee consumption, or quitting tobacco use are among the lifestyle changes that can contribute to the prevention of anxiety disorder.

Apart from these physical practices, there are also some mental practices that can be applied to keep mental health in balance:

  • The mentality of "it will be dangerous or difficult" should be terminated in the face of every new situation that is experienced differently from the old one.
  • The brain should not be programmed to say, "If I encounter such an event, I will feel very bad; I cannot cope with that situation".
  • It should not be thought of as "I have faced a similar situation in the past and had very bad moments; it will be the same again".
  • What we feel is not always right. We must use our reason; believing only what our emotions are telling us leads us to unrealistic fears. We can meet challenges like anyone else. We have had successes in the past. Even if there are setbacks, we can overcome them.
  • The probability of the disaster scenarios we are considering is actually very low. However, we can magnify negative examples in our minds and perceive them as more likely to happen.
  • Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of ourselves and our environment, we should see ourselves as "able to cope with difficulties" and perceive events as "solvable" with lower difficulty.
  • We should not expect our own and others' features to be perfect, we can try to adopt everything as much as possible.


If you think that you also have anxiety and this situation leads to a decrease in your quality of life, you should definitely consult a doctor.