Private Cihan Hospital
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- 1,235 m from center
Contemporary and modern treatments in comfortable hospital Cihan Private Hospital offers the necessary treatments for patients together with the services it has within its structure. With its modern services, examinations of patients are carried out quickly and their results are evaluated and quickly transferred to the medical departments that are deemed necessary. The service objectives of the services are to ensure that patients recover by making effective interventions in the most appropriate way. In accordance with quality standards with hardworking, experienced and experienced teams, patients are provided with the necessary medical services. The hospital, which serves with its expert physician staff, provides high quality health services for patients, taking into account modern medical developments at all times. Serving since 2013, the hospital is renewing itself every day to provide the best health services with its advanced infrastructure, specialist doctors and staff.
Emergency Services
Outstanding services for emergencies and minor situations that need to be resolved urgently are provided by experienced teams. The teams in the emergency department units of Izmir hospital are experienced and experienced in their fields. Patients are evaluated by these teams and referred to the necessary departments of hospitals if deemed necessary.
Oral and dental diseases
The dental health unit consists of experienced and specialized physicians. The oral and dental health of the patients is maintained and the necessary treatment services are provided together with modern technological devices. Examination, examination, diagnosis and treatment procedures are carried out. Tooth extraction, endodontics, periodontological, conservative dental treatments, teeth whitening, restorations and all necessary prosthetic applications are carried out in these units.
Anesthesia and reanimation
The patient who will undergo surgery is prepared for the operation together with experienced and expert staff. During the operation process, it constantly keeps the patient's vital organs, such as the heart, lung, black lung, brain and kidney, under control and helps the patient in the healing stages. The reanimation department deals with the recovery of vital functions that are severely impaired in patients in accidents, poisoning and similar cases.
Nutrition and diet
Medical nutrition treatments for chronic diseases nutrition and diet programs are prepared in a wide range of areas from adults to children. Nutrition and diet experts are specially created for people who are required for all kinds of diseases.
Brain and Neurosurgery
In brain and nerve surgery, mechanical interventions are performed for disorders of the peripheral nervous system. The necessary examinations and diagnoses are performed, and the necessary treatment procedures are performed together with the latest technology devices. Disorders that may occur, such as herniated disc, cervical disc herniation, brain hemorrhages, are treated by doctors who are experts in the field.
It is the department that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that can be transmitted by skin, hair, nail and oral mucosa or sexual means. Basic Dermatology, Laser treatments, skin, hair and nail analysis units, cosmetic dermatology, dermatooncology, interventional Dermatology, art equipment, pigmented lesions and the identification of the sections follow the sun as a result of emerging diseases, such as services that are required in various situations are given.
Pediatric Surgery
Performing the operations necessary for children is carried out by surgeons who have obtained their expertise in the field. Various diseases, disorders are treated with surgeries. Examination, examination, diagnosis and treatment are carried out with the help of technological devices.
Child Health and diseases
Early diagnosis and treatment of children's diseases, evaluation of growth and development, post-natal follow-ups, nutrition programs, newborn jaundice, a UPS in the incubator, the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung disease, and lower, upper respiratory diseases, such as various disorders, diseases and treatment services are provided.
Infectious Diseases
It is the unit that treats diseases that develop due to infection. Close monitoring and treatment of diseases that develop due to this is provided, ensuring that people get their health.
Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Procedures are carried out in relation to plastic surgery, aesthetic and repair surgery. Facial deformities, cleft lip, the absence of the ear canal of the facial bones and soft tissue injuries, head and brain tumors repairs, the absence of breast cancer after breast reconstruction, breast augmentation, repairs of the genital organs, chest and abdominal wall defects, hand surgery, hand and feet existing deficiencies, nervous problems, chronic wounds or injuries that occur due to a variety of situations are taken care of with treatment.
Physical therapy and Rehabilitation
First, rheumatic diseases, all kinds of musculoskeletal disorders and diseases related to the diagnosis and treatment procedures are carried out Nov. Treatment procedures are performed for a wide range of diseases, such as neurological diseases, orthopedic diseases, and gynecology. Treatment programs are medication, special injections, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.
General Surgery
Laparoskopik surgery, hemorrhoid surgery, and endocrine surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, such as breast cancer surgery performed by surgeons who obtained their expertise in the fields of surgery.
General Intensive Care
There are intensive care units equipped with breathing apparatus, monitors and other technological devices, which are the latest model and are used in many parts of the world. Patients in need of intensive care are treated by experienced physicians and nurses.
For a wide range of conditions, such as bronchitis, COPD, tuberculosis, lung and pleural malignancies, respiratory failure preoperative evaluations, smoking cessation counseling, respiratory exercises, and patients are given the necessary treatment methods.
Eye Diseases
Argon laser, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma treatments, angiography, eye, eye prosthesis, lacrimal duct surgery, amblyopia, macular degeneration diseases, contact lenses, strabismus, YAG laser, Orthoptic treatment for various conditions such as treatment methods. Cataract, keratoconus treatment, newborn eye examination such procedures are performed.
Internal Medicine
Diagnosis and treatment of disorders belonging to this system and referral procedures to the necessary units are carried out. Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, gestational diabetes, thyroid disease, obesity, lung disease, kidney and internal diseases of the urinary tract, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder and pancreas diseases, blood diseases, for the treatment of various diseases such as infectious diseases is given.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Necessary examination, diagnosis and diagnosis of women of all ages up to menopause periods are carried out. The treatment methods necessary for gynecology are carried out by physicians who have obtained their expertise in the field. Routine checks, diagnosis, treatment of infections, ultrasonography examinations, gynecology examinations colposcopy, smear test are performed. Pregnancy periods are also monitored.
Cardiovascular Surgery
Coronary artery bypass surgery, heart valve surgery, aortic surgery, Congenital Heart Surgery, peripheral vascular bypass surgery, carotid surgery, varicose surgery, hemodialysis catheter interventions necessary for the port is carried out.
Heart attack, heart valve diseases, congestive heart failure, rhythm disorders, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and congenital heart diseases, such as the necessary treatment procedures are applied for a wide range of diseases and disorders.
Throat surgeries, nose surgeries, and ear surgeries are performed. Treatment procedures such as nasal flesh, tonsils, snoring, nasal flesh, aesthetic nose surgeries, and eardrum repair are performed. After the interventions, technical follow-up is offered for patients, making it possible for their treatment to be more comprehensive.
Neurology EEG-EMG
Brain, brain stem and spinal cord, environmental nervous systems related to the investigation of the procedures, diagnosis and treatment is carried out in the Department. Imaging technologies such as MRI, CT, EEG, EMG, polysomnography are In this way, the correct treatment methods related to patients are also offered.
Nuclear Medicine
Radioactive substances are used in the form of drugs in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Diagnosis and treatment procedures are carried out in a wide variety of departments such as respiratory system, central nervous system, skeletal system, endocrinal system, nuclear hematology, and oncology.
Orthopedics and Traumatology
Necessary services are provided in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the novelistic and skeletal system. There are treatment procedures such as fractures and dislocations, ankle treatments, hip treatments, hand surgery, nail sting surgeries.
Diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of diseases such as mental illness, dementia, schizophrenia or eating disorders are carried out. Actions are being taken to improve people with mental health disorders.
It is known as the branch of science that scientifically studies behavior and mental processes. Detailed analyses and analyses of behaviors and the underlying causes of behaviors are carried out. Diagnosis and treatment of mental problems are carried out.
Magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography with detector, digital flat panel angiography, mammography, and digital X-ray and Cr systems are performed.
Procedures are performed for kidney surgery, adrenal surgery, ureteral surgery, bladder surgery, prostate, urethra surgery, penis surgery, scrotal surgery. It is aimed that patients can easily regain their health with the treatment methods provided by specialist doctors in their field.