Private OTA-Jinemed Hospital


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A hospital strengthened by the merger of 2 major hospitals Private Ota-Jinemed Hospital is a brand that emerged from the merger of Ota Medical Center and Jinemed Hospital. The hospital, which has agreements with all private health insurances, provides services with many medical units. Modern treatments are applied with specialist doctors, professional team and modern diagnostic methods.


A hospital strengthened by the merger of 2 major hospitals

Private Ota-Jinemed Hospital is a brand that emerged from the merger of Ota Medical Center and Jinemed Hospital. The hospital, which has agreements with all private health insurances, provides services with many medical units. Modern treatments are applied with specialist doctors, professional team and modern diagnostic methods.

Emergency Service

In this division, crisis administrations are given each hour a specialist and wellbeing group. Patients who are first treated and assessed are assessed by expert doctors who are identified with their sicknesses when important without sitting around day and night.

Oral and dental health

All sicknesses of the oral pit and teeth are treated with present day innovation, quality and a patient-arranged way to deal with care.

Anesthesia and reanimation

It is applied in proper portions after assessments and tests before aneztesis.

Brain and Nerve Surgery

It is the unit where clinical and careful treatment of mind, nerve, and spinal rope and spine infections is performed.


A wide scope of tests are done to decide the finding, follow-up, danger and guess of illnesses.

Child Health and diseases

Finding and treatment strategies are offered to baby and youngster patients in a quality manner utilizing the most recent innovations of current medication.


This unit is the office identified with the analysis and treatment of sicknesses seen at the passageway entryways of the body, like skin, hair, nails, oral mucosa.


It expects to make attention to smart dieting in the public eye, to give people a smart dieting propensity, to give nourishment uphold treatment in the patient's recuperation interaction by getting sorted out a sickness explicit eating routine program in inpatient administrations and outpatient centers.


This method is used when women and their partners have difficulty conceiving naturally, and often after other methods have been tried.

Infectious Diseases

Analysis, treatment and follow-up of all irresistible infections with fever are done.

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery

Plastic and Plastic Surgery is a branch having some expertise in the rectification of tissue insufficiencies brought about by different reasons or body and organ distortions identified with the skin, subcutaneous, novelistic, ligament and skeletal framework. The point of plastic and Plastic Surgery is to recover the anatomical and stylish appearance practically by reshaping the tissues, regardless of whether formative or later. All tasks are performed effectively by specialists.

Physical therapy and Rehabilitation

The broadly useful of this division is to treat dysfunctions of patients, old individuals, and torment victims, individuals harmed in mishaps or comparable circumstances. Patients with intrinsic or post-actual handicaps are treated in this unit.

General Surgery

This unit, where experienced specialists are utilized, is perhaps the most dynamic branches of the medical clinic.

Eye Diseases

In this unit, where expert ophthalmologists work, modernized eye assessment, contact focal point assessment, waterfall assessment, eye pressure assessment, strabismus assessment in youngsters and grown-ups, intraocular draining and retinal assessment are performed utilizing the most recent innovation.

Internal Medicine

Finding, treatment and follow-up administrations are furnished with undeniable level innovation and expert doctors taking all things together subjects beneath, outpatient or inpatient.

Obstetrics and Gynecology

In this unit, obstetrics, pregnancy checking and gynecological illnesses are dealt with.


Cardiology is the part of medication that manages cardiovascular illnesses.

Clinical Microbiology

It is a clinical unit where ailments achieved by microorganisms that are indistinct to the eye, similar to organisms, diseases, parasites and organic entities, are managed.


In this unit, both clinical and careful treatment of nose, throat and head and neck infections is done. Expert specialists offer administrations nonstop. Also, otolaryngologists work in the crisis division.


The division treats the attributes of the focal and fringe sensory system, infections of the cerebrum, brainstem, spinal line and muscles.

Orthopedics and Traumatology

The division performs infections of the musculoskeletal framework and their careful and non-careful treatment.


It is a unit that oversees mental prosperity, treats enthusiastic prosperity wrecks.


X-ray, IVP, HSG mammography, ultrasonography, color Doppler ultrasonography and 4D ultrasonography services are provided in this equipped diagnostic unit.


Determination and treatment of all illnesses including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, penis and testicular organs is done.

Intensive Care Units

In this unit, it gives treatment and care to high-chance infants like untimely birth, various In this unit, high-hazard children, for example, preterm birth, numerous pregnancies, infants of diabetic moms, infants who ingest meconium in the belly, cerebrum, and other organ harm because of trouble in labor are really focused on and really focused on. And furthermore there are units for grown-up people.


In the center, all couples are given an individualized treatment program, which is chosen by the reasons for barrenness. The phases of IVF treatment are unique and may not be reasonable for each couple. Prior to treatment, nitty gritty tests are performed and the treatment program is resolved by the outcomes. Fruitful medicines that give 100% outcomes are applied.

Hair Transplantation

In the FUE strategy, hair establishes in the scruff territory without shedding are taken individually with the fue motor and relocated to the going bald zone. Hair transplantation application, contingent upon the hair root to be planted between 5-7 hours, the system is performed under nearby sedation. Since there is no careful entry point in the FUE strategy, the mending interaction is quicker and more agreeable.

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