Private Reyap Istanbul Hospital
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- 2,420 m from center
A hospital especially preferred by foreign patients Private Reyap Istanbul hospital was established in 2016. Because of its distance to the airport, it is a hospital of choice, especially for foreign patients. It is a professional hospital serving with health service standards, physical characteristics, medical device track and technical equipment and hospitality understanding. The hospital, which is built on a closed area of 35,000 m2, has a total capacity of 275 beds, along with 11 operating rooms, 4 corner suites, 21 suites, 148 private patient rooms and 77 intensive care beds.
Emergency Service
Specialists experienced in crisis type, 7x24 resulting to making the fundamental mediations and interventions to the patient, play out a social affair with other branch prepared experts and suggest the patient to the material branch ace as shown by its criticalness.
Oral and dental health
All disorders inside the level of dentistry are treated with quality and patient-masterminded help approach. This division, which is found out about the assistance of Dentistry in patients with careful danger, moreover offers sorts of help with the field of exquisite dentistry, including teeth illuminating, Implantology, periodontal activity and endodontics.
Anesthesia and reanimation
This unit is at risk for pre-employable examination, assessment and showing the patient, rest during the development, seeing the parts of the heart, lungs and other significant organs, help with trouble after activity and follow-up and treatment of the patient in authentic idea recovery units.
Nutrition and Dietetics
Following to getting the solid affinities, clinical history, way of life and biochemical divulgences of the patients, weight, fat, muscle and water mass are surveyed with the body analyzer and treatment is begun.
Brain and Neurosurgery
All remedies and tasks identified with the cerebrum and unmistakable system are performed reasonably in overall principles utilizing the most recent information and improvement.
Outfitted with top level analyzers, all tests and appraisals are acted in this lab.
Child Health and diseases
This unit, phenomenally orchestrated and furnished with cutting edge advancement for adolescents with its staff of experienced topic specialists, gives a wide extent of associations to end and treatment in the districts of inpatient association and real idea.
Internal Medicine
In this unit, which serves grown-up patients, all solutions are performed from febrile defilements to metabolic hardships, from kidney affliction to liver infections.
Nearby the affirmation, assessment and treatment of dermatological difficulties, remedial techniques and laser gadgets are performed.
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases
The most precise strategies for therapy for Endocrinology and metabolic infections are promoted.
Infectious diseases and Clinical Microbiology
A wide degree of overpowering afflictions are treated with treatment strategies that give all out outcomes.
Physical therapy and Rehabilitation
A wide degree of patients are overseen, from irksome midriff or shoulder to cerebrum hurt.
This unit serves outpatient and inpatient patients for the examination and therapy of disorders of the throat, stomach, near nothing and internal organ, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and biliary bundle.
General Surgery
In this unit, careful issues of the organs and tissues are overseen. All drugs are applied by a developed assembling in the field utilizing fitting techniques and mechanical contraptions.
Patients are analyzed, treated and checked for lung sicknesses, and thus, different prospects given by clinical advancement are comparatively utilized.
Eye Diseases
All eye-related remedies are done with the help of inventive gadgets.
Afflictions accomplished by blood-forming organs like bone marrow, spleen, and lymph focus focuses are treated by experts of this unit.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
From puberty onwards, ladies, taking everything into account, to menopause, ladies' thriving, generally speaking routine checks, against beginning remedy, pregnancy seeing aided regenerative procedures, menopause and osteoporosis, gynecologic unsafe turns of events, and assorted concerning the utilization of Preventive Medicine are made in the finding and treatment of any sicknesses.
Cardiovascular Surgery
In this unit, coronary and valve activities in grown-ups, outskirts vein and venous design interventions are performed with low passing rate and irrelevant confusions in spite of a wide extent of natural heart characteristics.
All treatment strategies are applied with first rate gear and construction to get heart flourishing, research and treat heart diseases.
Otolaryngology Diseases
All prescriptions are performed with Otolaryngology infections.
Tangible framework science is a unit that reviews anatomical and physiological credits of the material system, also as issues and clinical issue that happen for different reasons.
Orthopedics and Traumatology
It is a forte that looks at the issues of the musculoskeletal design and treats wounds that are trademark, procured or accomplished by injury.
Radiation treatment and chemotherapy utilized in hurt therapies are acted in this division.
Plastic Surgery
It gives wary fix of characteristic or procured issues of shape and breaking point.
The finding of mental afflictions is made by experts who are experts in psychiatry, and the treatment strategy identified with the defilement is obliged by considering diverse individual, natural and physiological parts.
Radiology is a unit where different infirmities are made plans to have the assistance of different clinical gadgets.
Conceptive and excretory designs of people and regenerative frameworks of men are surveyed and diverse treatment choices are advanced.
Neonatal Intensive Care
In private and pulled out zones where all innovative gear is dealt with during conceivable treatment and care of the infant kid, it ought to be seen by ace flourishing trained professionals. It is an uncommon office held for these associations.
Cards accepted at this hospital:
Private Reyap Istanbul Hospital's Doctors

Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Kadayıfçı

Prof. Dr. Kemal Korkmaz
Cardiovascular Surgery

Prof. Dr. Ercan Eren
Cardiovascular Surgery

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Türkoğlu
General Surgery

Exp. Dr. Ali Uludağ

Op. Dr. Ahmet Şadi Kılınç
Orthopedics and Traumatology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytaç Çetinkaya
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozan Balakan
Medical Oncology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yener Akyuva
Brain and Nerve Spinal Cord Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman Yıldırım
Mental Health and Diseases

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Izmirli
Radiation Oncology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metehan Gümüş
General Surgery

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Erkol İnal
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aytaç Akyol

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aydin Rodi TOSU

Prof. Dr. Salih Özgöçmen

Op. Dr. Bahar Mert
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Exp. Dr. Aysegul Örencik
Child Health and Diseases

Exp. Dr. Atanur Özbalcı

Op. Dr. Alper Yüksel
Cardiovascular Surgery

Exp. Dr. İnci İnce

Op. Dr. Ercüment Taşpınar
Pediatric Surgery

Op. Dr. Diclehan Ali Dicle
Eye Diseases

Exp. Dr. Behzat Telören
Child Health and Diseases

Op. Dr. Fatma Selmin Madran
Eye Diseases

Exp. Dr. Fatma Tunçdemir
Nuclear Medicine

Exp. Dr. Fırat Sarı
Child Health and Diseases

Exp. Dr. Filiz Akın
Chest Diseases

Op. Dr. Gönül Kazezoğlu
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Exp. Dr. Hayriye Ak Yıldırım
Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry

Op. Dr. Hıdır Yüksel
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Exp. Dr. İsmail Yıldız
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

Exp. Dr. Merhan Ömeroğlu

Op. Dr. Nereida Jhaish
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Exp. Dr. Nuriye Doğan
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

Exp. Dr. Pınar Acar
Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Exp. Dr. Rahime Koç
Child Health and Diseases

Op. Dr. Mirhan Tosun
General Surgery

Exp. Dr. Murad Özsoy
Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Exp. Dr. Murat Gençay
Internal Medicine

Exp. Dr. Mustafa Ekin
Internal Medicine

Exp. Dr. Mehmet Doğan
Child Health and Diseases

Exp. Dr. Mehmet Maşuk Akhan
Internal Medicine

Exp. Dr. Mehmet Yadigar Kırıcı

Exp. Clinical Psychologist Elif Gökçe Tezel

Dietitian Berat Demircigil
Nutrition and Dietetics

Dietitian Senanur Kaçar
Nutrition and Dietetics

Dt. Filiz Özge Yüksel
Oral and Dental Health

Dt. Merve Nur Aydın
Oral and Dental Health

Dt. Harun Duman
Oral and Dental Health

Dt. Osman Berat Hamurcu
Oral and Dental Health

Op. Dr. Ümeyye Taka Aydın
Eye Diseases

Op. Dr. Yasemin Ballıca
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Dr. Mohammed Hussein Alfhahez
Emergency Service

Prof. Dr. Seçkin Demirci
Emergency Service

Exp. Dr. Refika Ilbakan Hanımeli
Child Health and Diseases

Op. Dr. Serkan Akçay
Orthopedics and Traumatology

Op. Dr. Sultan Bişkin
Ear Nose Throat