Private Sisli Kolan International Hospital
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- 985 m from center
Kolan Health Group's most equipped hospital Private Sisli Kolan International Hospital is the biggest hospital of the Kolan Health Group. Located on an area of 20000 m2, the hospital has 174 beds, 6 operating rooms, internal, surgical, coronary and cardiovascular surgery intensive care units with a total capacity of 57 beds, and a neonatal intensive care unit consisting of 31 tubs. The fully equipped hospital has Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation certificate.
Kolan Health Group's most equipped hospital
Private Sisli Kolan International Hospital is the biggest hospital of the Kolan Health Group. Located on an area of 20000 m2, the hospital has 174 beds, 6 operating rooms, internal, surgical, coronary and cardiovascular surgery intensive care units with a total capacity of 57 beds, and a neonatal intensive care unit consisting of 31 tubs. The fully equipped hospital has Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation certificate
In this unit, 24-hour administration is given under the watchful eye of pediatric and grown-up patients with its dynamic specialist staff and applicable wellbeing faculty.
Mouth and dental health
In this dental unit, administrations are accommodated the finding and treatment of sicknesses identified with oral, dental and jaw wellbeing for kids and grown-up patients.
Pain Polyclinic
After the reason for torment is analyzed, the cause of agony is treated with the most suitable medications and interventional techniques for the patient. Agony medicines are facilitated with a multidisciplinary approach.
Acupuncture and Treatment Unit
Acupuncture treatment acts just through the body's own chemicals and proteins and through neural correspondence, and is a strategy that can be useful for everybody if the right sign is given.
Allergy Diseases
In the analysis of hypersensitive infections, skin tests, blood tests and respiratory capacity tests are performed to decide if the patient is touchy to any allergens.
This unit is a part of science that reviews the male regenerative framework, all issues that influence male or female sexual wellbeing, just as the progressions that happen in the male because of maturing.
Anesthesia and Reanimation
It offers types of assistance to all age bunches for a wide range of careful intercessions inside all quiet consideration and treatment administrations of the clinic.
Headache Polyclinic
In this dept, administrations are accommodated the analysis and treatment of migraine.
Nutrition and Diet
In this uncommon unit, nourishment and diet administrations are given to make consciousness of good dieting in the public eye and backing the recuperating interaction of patients.
Brain and Nerve Surgery
In this unit, a wide gathering of infections identified with the cerebrum and sensory system are treated with a multidisciplinary approach and effectively.
Lab tests are performed here in the screening, determination, treatment and follow-up cycles of illnesses.
Kidney Diseases
Infections of the excretory framework covering the bladder and urinary plot, particularly the kidneys, are dealt with.
Check Up Center
It is an individual general wellbeing check to identify infections.
Pediatric Surgery
In kids, careful issues identified with the whole stomach related framework, urinary plot, heart outer chest hole are dealt with.
Pediatric Cardiology
It is a unit where underlying problems of the heart that happen inherent or later are dealt with.
Child Health and Diseases
In this unit, 24-hour kid wellbeing administrations are given to all patients from infant to grown-up age gathering.
Vascular Diseases
Experienced expert doctors offer types of assistance in the field of working rooms and vascular infections furnished with the most recent innovation offices.
It is the unit where skin sicknesses, mucous infections, venereal illnesses, hair and nail illnesses are dealt with.
Hand and Micro Surgery Center
It is a surgical branch that starts at the shoulder and stretches out to the tip of the finger and manages the part called the furthest point.
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases
It is a part of science that reviews the inner organs in our body and the chemicals they discharge.
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology
It is a clinical unit where infections brought about by microorganisms that are undetectable to the eye, like microscopic organisms, infections, parasites and growths, are dealt with.
Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
It is a unit where actual imperfections are treated by careful and clinical strategies.
Physical therapy and rehabilitation
In this unit finding and treatment of illnesses of the musculoskeletal framework is completed by specialists.
It is a unit wherein infections shaped by the organs of the stomach related framework and the stomach related framework are dealt with.
General Surgery
It is a unit that can apply every one of the strategies utilized in present day medical procedure.
General Intensive Care
It is the unit where basic patients are dealt with when they need progressed fundamental help.
Interventional radiology
This department is the helpful Department of Radiology
Thoracic Surgery
In this unit, careful treatment of lung sicknesses is done.
In this unit, all indicative and interventional therapy administrations are accommodated the conclusion and therapy of intense and constant lung illnesses.
Imaging Unit
Interventional radiological administrations are furnished with cutting edge gadgets with forward-thinking innovation.
Movement Disorders Center
Illnesses identified with the development framework, like Parkinson's, are being dealt with.
It is the clinical division that reviews illnesses identified with bone marrow, lymph framework and blood.
Hemorrhoids and Anorectal Diseases Unit
In this unit, numerous infections found in the digestion tracts are analyzed and treated.
Internal Medicine
In this unit, it is planned to give the most fitting and compelling wellbeing administration to the individual heavily influenced by expert specialists..
Gynecology and Obstetrics
In this unit, Women's wellbeing, infections and pregnancy and follow-up medicines are applied.
Cardiac surgery
All cardiovascular infections in grown-up and youngster patients are dealt with.
Creative techniques are utilized to keep up heart wellbeing, analyze and treat cardiovascular sicknesses.
Coronary Intensive Care Unit
It is a unit where imperative help is given to crisis patients.
Illnesses of the ears, nasal and sinus holes, designs of the lips and oral hole, nasal, pharynx and larynx are dealt with.
Medical Oncology
In this unit, precise therapy of patients determined to have disease is completed.
Breast Health Center
Breast cancer growth preventive medicines are applied here.
This framework is an operation for stylish purposes.
Micro Surgery Center
All issues in the hand and Arm territory found in grown-ups are analyzed and treated by crisis or arranged a medical procedure or careful strategies.
Microbiology Laboratory
Microorganisms that are a factor of disease are recognized by Culture Methods, serological tests or direct assessments.
Analysis and treatment of sicknesses of the mind, spinal line, fringe nerves and oddities are acted in grown-up patients.
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
In this extraordinary unit, atomic medication imaging strategies and organ capacities are analyzed.
Obesity Surgery Center
Fitting careful activities are performed for patients who need to get more fit.
It is a unit that treats hearing issues, particularly in kids.
Spine Health Center
It is a unit that amends spine issues brought about by infections identified with the cerebrum and sensory system.
Oncology Center
Early analysis and therapy administrations are offered for malignant growth infections.
Orthopedics and Traumatology
Activities and medicines strategies are played out that treat bone and joint wounds.
It is the unit where dangerous pregnancies are followed
It is a unit that manages emotional well-being, treats psychological well-being messes.
Psychology is a part of science that manages conduct training other than drug treatment of mental and social issues.
Radiation oncology
It is a therapy strategy utilized in numerous malignant growth patients.
It is a unit that treats rheumatic incendiary illnesses and other musculoskeletal sicknesses.
Hair Transplant Center
Proficient and easy hair transplantation is acted in this unit.
Athlete Health Center
A wide range of sicknesses of expert competitors are treated in this unit.
Transfusion Center
It gives patients ' blood and blood item needs securely and rapidly utilizing unrivaled innovation.
IVF and Reproductive Health Center
Couples who need to have kids are given exceptional medicines.
In this unit, medicines are applied to grown-up and kid patients with urological infections.
Sleep Disorders Center
In order to treat sleep problems, it is worked together with different branches.
Varicose Treatment Center
Clinical and tasteful varicose veins medicines are acted in this unit.
Wound Treatment Clinic
The point of wound consideration is to discover these causes that keep the injury from mending, to kill these causes however much as could be expected and to give the suitable climate to the injury to recuperate.
Neonatal Intensive Care
It is the unit where basic patients are dealt with when they need progressed fundamental help.
Cards accepted at this hospital:
Private Sisli Kolan International Hospital's Doctors

PROF. DR. Ahmet Fırat GÜNGÖR
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kemal FIRAT
Interventional Radiology

Prof. Dr. Ergun DEMİRSOY
Cardiovascular Surgery

Prof. Dr. Ertan YETKİN

Prof. Dr. Fatih TAŞKESEN
General Surgery

Prof. Dr. İsmet DİNDAR


Prof. Dr. Kamil TOKER
Anesthesia and Reanimation

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sait BUĞDACI

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal EROL

Prof. Dr. Mustafa YAYLACI
Medical Oncology

Prof. Dr. Pınar SEYMEN

Prof. Dr. Sadık YILDIRIM
General Surgery

Prof. Dr. Turgut İPEK
General Surgery

Prof. Dr. Ümrah AYDOĞAN
Pediatric Cardiology

Prof. Dr. Yıldız DEĞİRMENCİ

Assoc. Dr. Ali YILMAZ
Brain and Nerve Surgery

Assos. Dr. Betül BAKAN
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Assoc. Dr. Engin KAYA

Assoc. Dr. Erdal PEKER

Assoc. Dr. Erdem DEĞİRMENCİ
Orthopedics and Traumatology

Assoc. Dr. Gökhan ERTUĞRUL
General Surgery

Assoc. Dr. Meriç UĞURLAR
Orthopedics and Traumatology

Assoc. Dr. Murat ZOR

Assoc. Dr. Sercan YILMAZ

Assoc. Dr. Yaşar TÜRK
Interventional Radiology

Dr. Abdullah AS
General Surgery

Pediatric Surgery

Chest Diseases

Op. Dr. Betül BERKAY
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

Op. Dr. Burak KINALI
Brain and Nerve Surgery

Op. Dr. Chasan Memet CHOUSEIN
Orthopedics and Traumatology

Op. Dr. Emre DOĞAN
Cardiovascular Surgery

Op. Dr. F. Seda ÖZTÜRK
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Op. Dr. Hakan ÇİFTÇİ
Eye Diseases

Op. Dr. Hüseyin VURAL
Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

Op. Dr. Necati ŞENTÜRK
General Surgery

Op. Dr. Özge YILMAZ
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Op. Dr. Seyhan ÖZCAN
Gynecology and Obstetrics

Op. Dr. Süleyman ÇATALTEPE
Eye Diseases

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Exp. Dr. Abdulkadir YILDIRIM
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

Dr. Ahmet Edip GALİ

Anesthesia and Reanimation

Dermatology and Venereal Diseases

Exp. Dr. Bourtsin CHATIPOGLOU

Exp. Dr. Fatma KUNDAKÇI

Exp. Dr. K. İlker YILDIRIM

Exp. Dr. Kenan ÇELİK
Internal Medicine

Exp. Dr. M. Fatih AKYÜZ
Oncology Center

Exp. Dr. Melek İpek KIR

Exp. Dr. Melek ÖZER

Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

Exp. Dr. Mustafa ERDEM

Imaging Unit

Exp. Dr. Rashad İSMAYILOV

Exp. Dr. Sedat UYGUN
Internal Medicine

Exp. Dr. Sümeyra ACAR KURTULUŞ
Emergency Service

Exp. Dr. Tuba ERDOĞAN

Exp. Dr. Tuna BALCI
Anesthesia and Reanimation

Exp. Dr. Uğur KÜPELİ

Exp. Dr. Ünsal BİLGİN
Anesthesia and Reanimation

Exp. Psychologist Fulya SELVİLİ

Exp. Psychologist Ömürcan BOZKUŞ

Dr. Asim Orçun OKUR
General Manager

Emergency Service

Dr. Kani TOKAÇ
Emergency Service

Dr. Muhammed NUR
Emergency Service

Dr. Muhammed Sıddık KINAY
Emergency Service

Dr. Reşit AĞAR
Chief Physician

Dentist Duygu GÜZEL
Oral and Dental Health

Dietitian Seda YAĞIZ
Nutrition and Diet

Exp. Aysel SİREL

Exp. Dr. Günay KAYA
Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

Exp. Dr. Önder ELİTAŞ
Anesthesia and Reanimation

Exp. Dr. Özgür GÜRBÜZ

Exp. Dr. Pınar ARDA BULUT
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Exp. Dr. Tanju BİLGİN
Internal Medicine


Exp. Dr. Volkan DEMİR
Internal Medicine

Dr. Elmira GÜL
Emergency Service

Dr. Ömer POLAT
Emergency Service

Dietitian Özlem ÖZDEMİR
Nutrition and Diet