Sexual aversion disorders, which are a more severe type of sexual aversion problem, can be seen in women or men regardless of gender. Sexual aversion disorder is a condition in which the person is completely distanced from every subject related to sexuality. The person with this condition may be disgusted by sexuality, as well as sexual stimuli, sexual conversations, sexual limbs, sexual fluids, kissing and even the specific odors of sexual limbs. 

People with sexual aversion disorder tend to avoid sexually stimulating situations, people or objects. Although there are many problems that may develop as a result of this disgust, it will be affected mostly psychologically. Low self-esteem and avoidance of a possible sexual stimulus in routine life leads the person to great anxiety. 

Sexual aversion disorders are often accompanied by problems such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Sexual aversion disorder is not only a heterosexual concept. In this variant, known as homosexual sexual aversion disorder, people may also be disgusted by the genital organs of their own sex. Similarly, in bisexual sexual aversion disorder, a person may dislike sexual stimuli of both their own and the opposite sex.

What can cause sexual aversion disorders?

There are many causes of sexual aversion disorder, but the main structure of these is psychological factors. Some problems such as sexual trauma experienced in any period of life regardless of age, misunderstandings about sexuality, excessive suppression of religious issues, being a victim of an overly oppressive social tradition on issues such as virginity, etc. create negative changes in the person's perspective on sexuality over time. In other words, sometimes it can be a person or sometimes just concepts that cause this disorder to occur. 

It has been scientifically demonstrated that sexual aversion disorders are much more common in women than in men. It is a very common situation, especially in societies where sexual pleasure is taught to be shameful, forbidden, sinful and criminal. Since the person grows up with the perception that sexuality is a bad act, he/she lives a life of avoidance from all objects related to sexuality, and sexual aversion can serve as a defense mechanism for these people. 

Is vaginusmus caused by sexual aversion disorder?

Sexual traumas bring feelings of humiliation, disgust, shame and suffering, regardless of age. If various treatments are not taken for these traumas, sexual aversion disorder, which starts to turn your life upside down as a result of the trauma experienced, can trigger gynecological diseases such as vaginusmus and dyspareunia. 

Likewise, the problem of women who experience painful intercourse experiencing more pain than usual can trigger the person to move away from sexuality over time and even to create a feeling of hatred towards any subject that involves sexuality, as in sexual aversion disorder.

If you want to get more detailed information about vaginusmus, you can read our article “What is vaginismus? Why Does It Happen? How is it treated?”.

Are people with sexual aversion disorder asexual?

Sexual aversion disorder should not be confused with asexuality. This is because asexual people do not engage in sociosexual acts and have no interest in any sex and are not bothered by this. Not being interested in any sex is not a problem for them. People who experience sexual aversion have a feeling of disgust and hatred towards the opposite sex. This psychological condition is a burden on the shoulders of the person. Therefore, we cannot characterize someone with sexual aversion as asexual.

Is sexual aversion disorder a treatable disorder? 

Sexual aversion disorder is a treatable disorder, but it requires a longer treatment process than other sexual dysfunctions. The earlier treatment is started in this disorder, the shorter the treatment process will be. 

The treatment process for a woman with vaginusmus as well as sexual aversion disorder will take a longer process than a woman with sexual aversion disorder only. Before the exercises to be applied for vaginusmus treatment, sexual therapies are applied for sexual reluctance or sexual aversion disorder. 

In addition to sexual therapies, depending on the condition of the person, medication can be added to other treatments to get rid of the sexual aversion problem. 

What is Sexual Reluctance in Women?