In the foreplay phase before sexual intercourse, the body is preparing to have sexual intercourse. This is a physiological transition and an important prelude to orgasm. However, when there is a problem with sexual arousal, sexuality ceases to be satisfying and can even turn into a painful situation. 

Just like other sexual health problems, sexual arousal problems can be caused by organic and psycho-social factors. The most important of these factors are hormonal problems and the effects of medications. Another situation may be the person's perceptions about sexuality. The society's view of sexuality can cause traumas that can cause sexual arousal disorder in many people. 

What is sexual arousal? 

Many changes occur in the body during sexual arousal. Many women do not realize these changes. With genital stimulation, the female body becomes ready for sexual intercourse. During sexual arousal in women, blood flow to the vagina increases and the vagina becomes more slippery in preparation for sexual intercourse. However, effects such as an increase in heart rate and an increase in body temperature are observed. In addition, the clitoris swells, stretches and expands into the vagina, and the female body becomes ready for sexual intercourse. 

What is sexual arousal disorder? 

Sexual arousal disorder is defined as the absence of sexual arousal in women or when sexual arousal is not sufficient for sexual intercourse. This is a serious problem and negatively affects the person's life. In women with sexual arousal disorder, the vagina does not become ready for intercourse and sufficient lubrication is not provided. This situation can turn into a far from satisfying sexuality for the woman and even a painful union. 
But sexual arousal disorder is a treatable problem. If you think you have this problem, you should consult a physician immediately. 

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